I don't think SPINX would be helping you, even with a stand-alone file - each invocation of such a SPIN function would get its own JavaScript engine, and all intermediate values will be lost.

Your computation below looks like easily done in SPARQL. All you need to do is remember the intermediate values in a graph such as ui:tempGraph.


On 3/13/15 8:24 AM, Jack Hodges wrote:
This seems like a good idea but it isn't working out so nicely. If I use the spix.javaScriptCode proerty on the following javascript fragment:

var prev = 6; var curr = 0; if(arg1 == 0) curr = 5; else curr = prev - 0.4 * arg2; prev = curr; return curr;

the code executes (in a SPARQL window) but doesn't persist the value of 'prev', which was the original need.

If I use the spinx:javaScriptFile on the following (named 'position.js' in the folder where the SPIN file is located):

function yBoxStart(index, count) {
var prev = 6;
        var curr = 0;

if (index == 0) {
curr = 5;
} else {
curr = prev - 0.4 * count;

prev = curr;

return curr;

Then it doesn't produce any results in the SPARQL window at all. I suspect that the 'position.js' file cannot be found. I have put it in different folders and tried a full URL to it with the same [lack of] results. The documentation goes part way through a full example but leaves out just enough for me to fail to get it working. Clearly this is the rudimentary of functions so there must be something very simple that is wrong. I didn't see anything about the name of the javascript function in the documentation. Is that maybe related to this problem? Comments?


On Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 3:22:50 PM UTC-7, Holger Knublauch wrote:

    ui:functionCall is only producing JavaScript source code that
    would be executed client-side. If you want server-side execution
    of JavaScript logic, you could use SPINx



    On 3/11/15 7:11 AM, Jack Hodges wrote:
    and performs some calculation? I am trying to calculate a display
    position for part of a graphic inside a ui:foreach. The position
    is based on the position of the previous item in the iteration.
    It is easy enough to write a js function that will maintain the
    variables and their values, and calculate the new position, but
    is using ui:functionCall and appropriate way to talk with the
    function? Thanks,

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