Which datatypes do you have in mind? I assume xsd:string and any numeric datatypes are not a problem. I can imagine that xsd:date and xsd:dateTime are. What else?

Also, could you give me some example of user-defined datatypes that you have created? With OWL 2 syntax?

(On the more general issue, note that SHACL has sh:defaultValue, which may be exploited for useful suggestions for certain properties - sh:defaultValue lives on a property definition though, not the datatype itself).


On 7/30/2015 9:58, Jack Hodges wrote:
And for non-standard properties (such as those created by us), maybe an option to provide such a legal default value definition for others.

On Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 4:57:22 PM UTC-7, Jack Hodges wrote:

    Often times I find myself in a situation where I am putting a
    value into a form field and TBC doesn't like it. I end up spending
    a fair amount of time looking for legal values. It would be [very]
    nice if, at least for standard types, a default legal value could
    be put into the field so that we could then edit it. That would
    give us both proper syntax and values. Maybe I am the only one
    that would like this.

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