i understand how the lineagram contract works  - and it is a lot of 
overhead - but the fact is I want to preserve the original data and map it 
to the EDG types, as the lineagegram is a valid way of viweing the 
relationships i expect to find. 
The extraction rules will be custom per data source - but the data sources 
may be large and time variant - so manual editing doesnt make sense. Code 
is no problem once I can unpick the component behaviours.

On Tuesday, 9 October 2018 14:15:33 UTC+11, Irene Polikoff wrote:
> See below
> On Oct 8, 2018, at 9:13 PM, Rob Atkinson <robatki...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
> Actually - i dont want to use any editor app - these are static things I 
> need to import so I can  map them to EDG lineagegram model.  
> Only cross-walks might need editing. Can spin up crosswalks as separate 
> collections to do that.
> Even if you do not edit, you need to have some UI that lets you see a 
> lineage diagram. “Editor app” can be used for editing or for viewing - 
> depending on permissions. An app could be as simple as just a resource form 
> to which URI of a resource is passed and, in return, it displays 
> information about a resource. There is a “single form” editor.
>  Search the EDG UI also has links to the lineage diagrams. 
> Or, you need to have your own code that calls LineageGram.
> I guess taxonomy is the most generic SKOS asset collection.
> EDG Taxonomy application is specifically designed to work with SKOS. It 
> makes certain minimal assumptions on how SKOS is used. Specifically, it 
> requires that: at least one concept schemes is defined and it has some top 
> concepts and that the concept hierarchy is specified using sos:broader 
> relationship. 
> and if i can't have polymorphism 
> You could have resources that are of skos:Concept and some other type. 
> my next challenge is use SHACL rule to derive EDG lineage model compatible 
> asset collections and somehow keep these in sync. 
> This sounds very complex. Further, lineage is not just about types, it is 
> about known relationships between resources.
> Are magic properties global - or can i create an asset collection whose 
> properties are magic properties derived from another asset collection?
> What are you wanting to do with magic properties? LineageGram looks for 
> resources of certain type and it looks for certain connections betweens 
> these resources. For example, it may look for edg:input relationships 
> between resources. These relationships are not magic properties. 
> Are you planning to use your own properties (e.g., my:input) to capture 
> various relationships and then dynamically transform data to change let’s 
> say my:input to edg:input so that it shows on the diagram? As I said, this 
> seems to be overly complex and would create a lot of overhead.
> . 
> On Tue, 9 Oct 2018 at 12:01, Irene Polikoff <ir...@topquadrant.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Rob,
>> This link is about deploying Eclipse projects from TBC workspace to the 
>> server.
>> Project type (collection type) is something else. It is EDG specific. It 
>> defines features available in EDG for a given graph e.g., what should be 
>> used as an editor application for resources in the graph, what reports, 
>> imports and other plugins are available. This definition of capabilities is 
>> specified as a project/asset collection type.
>> Then, you say that a given graph (asset collection) is of some given 
>> type. This tells EDG what to offer for this graph/collection.
>> A collection should be of a single type. What type to use depends on what 
>> you want to have available.
>> Taxonomies use a taxonomy editor app. Glossaries use tabular editor app. 
>> You can switch to a hierarchical view, but the main view is tabular. 
>> Further, the main class is a Glossary term. You can create your own type, 
>> use tabular editor and declare your own main class. Crosswalks use a 
>> crosswalk editor app. There are also some differences in available imports. 
>> What app do you want to use?
>> Crosswalks, btw, are special graphs  - they contain only one type of 
>> triples, those linking subjects from graph A to object from graph B.
>> You could change a type of a collection. Once you do it, EDG would start 
>> treating the graph differently. 
>> Lineage is not linked to a Glossary or a project type. It is linked to an 
>> asset type - a class a given resource belongs to. There is logic that 
>> drives LineageGram display and it looks for resources of certain types - as 
>> described by EDG models e.g., edg:GlossaryTerm, edg:BusinessApplication, 
>> edg:DataAsset. And it looks for specific connection between them. 
>> LineageGram is not a generic graph view. It is a model specific view. Thus, 
>> in order to use LineageGram, you need to use EDG ontologies. You could 
>> extend them by adding or removing properties for some classes and/or 
>> creating your on classes. In the latter case, they need to be subclasses of 
>> some EDG classes.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 8, 2018, at 7:16 PM, Rob Atkinson <robatki...@gmail.com 
>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> If you follow the instructions at 
>> http://wiki.topquadrant.com/display/TBS55/EDG+Methods+to+Deploy+Projects+to+Servers
>> it creates a project - but not one that EDG can display as an asset 
>> collection - although you can find it via search.
>> So - need to choose a more specific type - fine.
>> i have a set of SKOS concept scheme....
>> it could be a glossary, enumeration taxomony or cross-walk.  And there is 
>> EDGenumeration as an option too.
>> what project type should i choose?
>> some of these concept schemes are things i want data traceability in EDG 
>> lineage grams - which seem to be only linked to Glossary.  But i want to 
>> keep any taxonomy and also support cross walks in future using these terms.
>> Can i declare one collection to be multiple project types?
>> Can the project type be changed?
>> -- 
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