A variation of the query that I sent in the other email should work then. Tested with 5.5.2:

SELECT ?concept ?property ?value
    BIND (g:Canada AS ?concept) .   # Replace this
    ?concept a ?type .
    ?type swa:relevantClassOfProperty ?property .
    ?concept ?property ?value .
    BIND (swa:propertyShapePropertyAtClass(?property, sh:group, ?type) AS ?group)
    FILTER (!bound(?group))


On 20/11/2018 4:35 PM, Sanjeev Devireddy wrote:
Hi Holger,
   Sorry for the confusion, actually I am looking for a SPARQL, which can fetch only the custom properties (as shown in the below screenshot) of a concept . As TopBraid's EDG/EVN application UI is able to display the predicates/properties of a concept as different groups/categories like Labels and Description, Standard Relationships & Custom Properties (please check the below screenshot) so, I assume there could be a way to write a SPARQL to get only Custom Properties but not Labels/Standard Relationship/..
Could you please help?


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