For the record, there is a solution for this built into EDG. Assuming you have the SKOS shapes namespace imported into your ontology, you can switch to SKOS-specific constraints (or activate Merged mode) to see the property "from concept scheme"

The values of that are skos:ConceptScheme instances, and the constraint is that all values of the property must be part of that scheme. Then select the corresponding editor for the same property:

which is an auto-complete editor that only shows suitable values from the provided concept scheme.

For the technical record, here is the definition of the underlying constraint component:

  a sh:ConstraintComponent ;
  dash:propertySuggestionGenerator tosh:DeleteTripleSuggestionGenerator ;
  rdfs:comment "A SHACL constraint component that can be used to state that all value nodes must be concepts from a given skos:ConceptScheme." ;
  rdfs:label "From concept scheme constraint component" ;
  sh:labelTemplate "Values need to be concepts from {?fromConceptScheme}" ;
  sh:parameter skosshapes:FromConceptSchemeConstraintComponent-fromConceptScheme ;
  sh:validator [
      a sh:SPARQLAskValidator ;
      sh:ask """ASK {
    $value skos:broader* ?concept .
    $fromConceptScheme skos:hasTopConcept ?concept .
}""" ;
      sh:message "Value must be from concept scheme {?fromConceptScheme}." ;
      sh:prefixes <> ;
    ] ;

Note that any shape declarations must be stored in Ontology asset collections, i.e. the Ontology needs to owl:import the ConceptScheme's definition (at least it needs to have the instances of skos:ConceptScheme - it doesn't require all the Concepts under them).


On 2021-08-24 4:05 am, Tim Smith wrote:

I have a taxonomy called "Security Classification" that contains five classification levels in a hierarchy modeled using skos:broader.  This was manually created in an EDG Taxonomy as the "Security Classification Concept Scheme".

I have added a property/property shape to edg:InformationAsset using a new property :securityClassification.  I'm struggling with how to assert that all values of the property :securityClassification must be a member of the Security Classification Concept Scheme. The simple thing to do would be to also create a Security Classification class and make all concepts instances of the class, leaving SKOS as the vocabulary by which I structure the terms.  Then sh:class can be used to define the values.  This appears to be how the Geography Taxonomy and Geo Ontology work together.  Doing so also feels redundant as I can see needing to make an ontology that mirrors my Concept Schemes for all cases where I need to restrict values to a specific Concept Scheme.

Is there a recommended design pattern for using concept schemes as the values for a property shape?  I'm looking for a solution that EDG will support, i.e. limit the values the user can select on a form to the specific Concept Scheme members.

Thanks in advance for your assistance,

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