No problems here, and if  tor handles blocked ports and port blocking
firewalls without issue then it's not something to worry about. But it
might not hurt to have a text box explaining this for those who are
concerned about what ports they are using.

On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 12:14 AM Roger Dingledine <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 04, 2018 at 11:20:31PM -0700, Keifer Bly wrote:
> > So tor will automatically use port 80 or 443 if Those are the only ones
> open?
> Tor will choose Guard relays at random until one of them works(*).
> It looks like around 844 Guard relays are listening on port 443 right now,
> out of the 1858 available Guard relays.
> % grep -B1 Guard cached-consensus |grep "^r "|grep " 443 "|wc -l
> 844
> % grep -B1 Guard cached-consensus |grep "^r "|wc -l
> 1858
> So if 443 works for you, it won't be many tries until you try a relay
> that works for you.
> And once you reach a Guard that works, it will become one of your guards
> that you keep using, so you'll only do the "flail around trying to find
> one" step when you need to replace your guard.
> Are you concerned that we have the wrong design for general users, or
> are you having a specific problem?
> --Roger
> (*) Actually, before Tor starts attempting to reach Guards, it first
> needs to bootstrap the consensus document from either the directory
> authorities or the fallback directory servers -- but they have a pretty
> similar distribution of ports they listen on.
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