> On 5 Jul 2018, at 20:06, nusenu <nusenu-li...@riseup.net> wrote:
> Roger Dingledine:
>> It looks like around 844 Guard relays are listening on port 443 right now,
>> out of the 1858 available Guard relays.
> guard probability for all guards having ORPort on 80 or 443: 
> 45.99%
> guard probability per ORPort:
> +---------+-------------------+
> | or_port | guard_probability |
> +---------+-------------------+
> |     443 |              44.4 |
> |    9001 |              39.1 |
> |      80 |               1.5 |
> |    9002 |               1.3 |
> |    8080 |               1.1 |
> |    8443 |               0.9 |
> +---------+-------------------+
> (onionoo data as per 2018-07-05 07:00 UTC)
>> (*) Actually, before Tor starts attempting to reach Guards, it first
>> needs to bootstrap the consensus document from either the directory
>> authorities or the fallback directory servers -- but they have a pretty
>> similar distribution of ports they listen on.
> unfortunately onionoo does not have fallbackdir data, so I can't
> provide the same table as above for fallbacks without
> creating it myself first

Here's the list of fallbacks, if you'd like to run a script on it:

The script that selects fallbacks also logs the ports that fallbacks are on.
For the current list, we ran the script twice, and merged the lists:
75/143 = 52% of fallbacks are on IPv4 ORPort 443
49/143 = 34% of fallbacks are on IPv4 ORPort 9001
19/143 = 13% of fallbacks are on other IPv4 ORPorts
18/48 = 38% of IPv6 fallbacks are on IPv6 ORPort 443
15/48 = 31% of IPv6 fallbacks are on IPv6 ORPort 9001
15/48 = 31% of IPv6 fallbacks are on other IPv6 ORPorts

73/139 = 53% of fallbacks are on IPv4 ORPort 443
49/139 = 35% of fallbacks are on IPv4 ORPort 9001
17/139 = 12% of fallbacks are on other IPv4 ORPorts
18/46 = 39% of IPv6 fallbacks are on IPv6 ORPort 443
13/46 = 28% of IPv6 fallbacks are on IPv6 ORPort 9001
15/46 = 33% of IPv6 fallbacks are on other IPv6 ORPorts

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