Thank you, I will try doing this.

I also want to report an interesting find that happened to me.

So today, I had to shut down my router for it to install a firmware update 
(it’s a netgear router, this firmware update will hopefully resolve my issue of 
dropping connections randomly). 

Here’s what happened:

The firmware update ended up taking long enough for my relay to be removed form 
the conscious list.

However, I did not restart the tor relaying software on my computer while my 
internet was offline as my router was installing the firmware update.

When my relay reappeared, my uptime on both
 and also
 jumped immediately back to “uptime: 5 days 3 hours” which had been my about 
uptime before I had to shut my router down.

My suspicion is that my posted uptime was retained because I did not restart 
the relay software while my router firmware was updating (it was offline for 
about 2 hours), but it thought I’d share this little thing I noticed.

Thank you.
From: teor
Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: [tor-relays] Help With Autoupdating Tor Software

> On 2 May 2018, at 03:58, Keifer Bly <> wrote:
> do shell script "$ which brew
> /usr/local/bin/brew update"
> do shell script "$ which brew
> /usr/local/bin/brew upgrade tor"
> end
> When the script is run, the output is this:

$ which brew

> sh: $: command not found

/usr/local/bin/brew upgrade tor

> Error: tor already installed
> So it seems to be that it updates tor ok but when it tries to update homebrew 
> the error is “command not found”.

No, bash can't find the $ command.
This is probably a copy-paste error.

Try running the lines of your script one at a time in the terminal.

Or just remove the "$ which brew" line, it doesn't do anything.

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