Quoting potlatch via tor-relays (2022-02-22 04:26:27)
> 1.) The tor package I get from the repository is (obsolete). I 
> thought 
> it was because the pi machine had raspian for the os. So, I downloaded and 
> installed 32-bit ubuntu server 20.04.3 instead 
> (https://ubuntu.com/downloads/raspberry-pi). It made no difference. I changed 
> to a new SSD to make sure all was virgin. How do I upgrade to current version 
> of Tor for this bridge?

AFAIK raspbian bullseye has, are you sure you are using the latest 
version of raspbian?

> 2.) Some of my bridges have (and some do not have) /var/lib/tor/stats 
> folders. I am interested in the 'why' of this and also how I can install that 
> capability on all bridge relays. The stat printout is in units of '8' and I'm 
> sure the Russians, Egyptions, etc. do not use bridges in unit neat units. 
> What am I reading in bridge-stats?

The stats folder is being generated automatically, if you don't have it I 
your bridge is not being used. It might be because bridgedb does reserve some 
bridges and don't distribute them.

The stats are multiple of 8 for privacy purposes, tor collects the information 
of how many users use each relay but rounds them to 8 to don't leak exact 
information. Those stats can be viewed searching for a relay in:

> 3.) Does Tor project state somewhere in it's docs that it's a terrible idea 
> to give a bridge a nickname such as 'TorCuba'? It should!!

Why do you think is a terrible idea?

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