
Theoretically, space could be saved by using copy-on-write (aka COW) file 
copies, a feature supported by some modern filesystems.

Basically, the two copies of the file occupy the same disk blocks (similar 
to hard linked files), but they behave as separate "logical" files. When 
one is modified, the filesystem saves the changes in a separate place, so 
the changed file shows the new, changed content, while the other "copy" 
still shows the old content. (the other file can also be independently 
edited and changed).

SVN could use this for the pristine copies, saving half of the disk space 
typically. That is: the less local changes, the more data savings.

Also theoretically, this could by done entirely by the SVN software on any 
filesystem, but would be pretty tricky to implement.


On Monday, 16 January 2023 at 08:13:36 UTC+1 daniel.l...@gmail.com wrote:

> måndag 16 januari 2023 kl. 08:47:20 UTC+2 skrev bbpictu...@gmail.com:
> Hi.
> I am just wondering if there is way to relocate the hidden .svn folder to 
> a different disk partition, or someway to accomplish it whatsoever. The SVN 
> directory size would grow so rapidly as the contents get doubled.
> Thanks.
> Unfortunately that is not possible. Subversion uses this file to identify 
> the working copy.
> The double size is because all original files ("pristines") are stored 
> within the .svn folder to enable certain operations to be performed locally 
> (for example "diff"). There is ongoing work to disable storing the 
> pristines locally, effectively making a tradeoff between disk and network 
> since for example a "diff" would need to fetch the original file from the 
> server. 
> The pristineless working copies is currently available in the nightly 
> builds of TortoiseSVN, however be aware that it has not been widely tested. 
> Any help in testing it out would certainly be appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Daniel

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