Hi Jody,

This is awesome!  This would be a great thing to post to the main page of the 
TOS site. Would you be willing to have this posted there? Or to send me an 
edited summary?

We would very much like to let the community know about current TOS-related 
activity. If anyone on the list has anything to share, drop me an email 
(el...@wne.edu<mailto:el...@wne.edu>) and I'll post in the News or other 
appropriate section.


On 01/27/2018 04:32 PM, Dr. Jody Paul wrote:
Hi all!

I thought this might be a good opportunity to share what's going on in my 
program this semester.

I'm the instructor for 2 sections of Software Engineering Practices, a senior 
experience/project course aimed at graduating seniors in computer science.  
Software Engineering Practices primarily involves software development project 
work and generating associated artifacts for a professional portfolio.  The 
prerequisite for this course is Software Engineering Principles, in which 
students have the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills in software 
engineering and to experience guided practice in team-based software 

This will be the first time that the projects are directed toward HFOSS project 
core contributions.  (Some previous efforts have involved developing new 
plug-ins, but nothing that required close coupling with a FOSS project itself.)

So far (the first two weeks):

• In ad hoc teams of size 3 or 4, students engaged in the evaluation of HFOSS 
projects, based on 
 -- Each team published an evaluation of a project. There were at least 2 
evaluations for each candidate project.
 -- Post-activity reflections indicated that students believed the experience 
was extremely valuable, providing insight into open source and software project 

• In ad hoc teams of size 2 or 3, students experienced a standard workflow for 
contributing to a GitHub-hosted project, based on 
 -- No teams completed all steps of the activity in 90 minutes. Most would have 
benefited from ~20 minutes of additional time or a precursor activity.
 -- Post-activity reflections indicated that participants all felt activity was 
useful, including those who already had "significant familiarity" with GitHub.

• Students have formed working teams for the rest of the semester.
 -- Each team is comprised of 4 or 5 students.
 -- There are 9 teams across the 2 sections.
 -- Each team has identified its project of interest, taking into consideration 
the evaluations, group dynamics, and personal preferences.

Projects chosen by working teams include: Mediawiki Accessibility, Moodle, 
Mozilla Tools, OpenMRS, and SugarLabs.  (The first three are specifically 

I had been hoping for a smaller set, but decided against imposing that 
inter-team constraint.  Fortunately, several projects were chosen by at least 2 
of the teams.

It's scary for me; but, students are engaged and excited!

I am truly thankful for the POSSE experience and contributed materials!!!


Dr. Jody Paul

Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences

Metropolitan State University of Denver

On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 8:21 AM, Heidi Ellis 
<heidi.el...@wne.edu<mailto:heidi.el...@wne.edu>> wrote:
Hi Folks,

Happy New Year!  In order to gain a better understanding of what courses
and/or extra-curricular activities are being used to help students learn
about FOSS/HFOSS for the winter and spring terms, below is a link to a
brief (2 minute) survey. We would greatly appreciate your participation.

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