Well people,

It seems that unlike Virgin one company here in the UK is willing to give
some pre-release publicity to Wonderful.
The free WH Smith Xmas catalogue came through the door today and in the CD
gift section it has a shot of Wonderful with the price tag of £13.99.
BTW I don`t know if anyone can remember but a good few years ago Sega were
set to release a game on the Megadrive featuring Madness. I can`t recall the
details but I do remember that the idea was to get the band round a town
picking up records and getting into the charts (chart placings presumable
replacing points!). It was supposed to feature the whole band and have
various singles playing in the background. Has anyone else heard of this or
know what - if anything - became of it?

Mike H
Oi!....Who threw that??????


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