Tripmaster wrote:
> I had only read 'Sometime in December' before I read one of the
> previous posts. Logitech are obviously going to try to release before
> Christmas, but not if the software is too flaky.

I will bet a beer that they really wanted to release it in time to sell
into the Christmas season. And I bet that they are not happy that they
missed it. But for most retailers, today, Oct 28th, is too late for this
Christmas selling season. Usually Labor Day is the end, after that, the
catalogs are printed, shelf space assigned, staff trained, computers
programmed with selling prices, etc.

By the end of November, Christmas sales are in full process, and you
can't even talk to a retailer about new products.

I've got a beta test unit, and get new firmware nearly daily. Its
getting better all the time. Actually, I may have the same hardware as
they will be selling, I can't keep it all straight. I can say that the
firmware and SBS software is getting better every day or so. Just
personal experience, but its gonna be cool when it gets released.

But to the topic, "announced" and "available to buy at your local Best
Buy" are two separate dates. The Touch was announced in September for
availability later this year.

Pat Farrell

Touch mailing list

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