pski wrote:
> D A N G  ! ! !
> So you cannot control a touch via the webUI? Disappointment does not
> begin to describe the feeling. 

There is no webUI on the Touch's TinySBS. If you use the Touch as a
player, its trivial to control it with the Web UI of your server, or
iPeng, etc.

Its "Tiny SBS". Its limited. That is what makes it tiny. And being tiny
is what makes it run on the limited resources of the Touch.

Its not a bug, its a feature.

I agree that lots of folks wanted it to be everything that real SBS is.
I also want my computer monitor to have a cold draft beer tap on the
side. But my $300 monitor does not have a free beer tap, and the Touch
is limited.

I just don't get why people expect the Touch to be a real computer.
Running SBS on a dead or free computer is nearly trivial. And the DIY
section has tons of folks with tiny servers with nearly zero energy
usage. None of them have cool touch UI, but they have all the features,
plug-ins, transcoding, etc.

Pat Farrell

Touch mailing list

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