magiccarpetride;605025 Wrote: 
> Back in the days when I was using Squeezebox Duet, I had certain issues
> with the sound quality of that player. I felt something was not quite
> right with the sound. After digging through the Squeezebox server on
> the PC, I've 'discovered' the config option to disable variable volume,
> and to make it fixed on the server.
> Immediately after doing that, the sound became noticeably cleaner,
> firmer, and more authoritative.
> However, after I've upgraded to Touch, I've noticed (much to my dismay)
> that, despite the fact that the volume remained frozen on the server
> side, I was still able to lower the volume on the wireless controller.
> Needless to say, I was baffled as to why wouldn't this feature work the
> same on the Touch. It was obvious to me that this ability to mess with
> the volume from the wireless remote was affecting the sound quality, as
> the player was always on 'stand by', waiting for the further commands to
> hit it. Not good when it comes to dedicated digital transport.
> Finally, got this newest Soundcheck's Touch mod on Saturday (2 days
> ago), and once again, the moment I've applied it, the same thing
> happened: the sound got firmer, clearer, more authoritative, more
> musical.
> This fix indeed makes a very palpable difference. It is worth your
> every effort to do it on your Touch, as it will propel your hi fi into
> an even higher territory. Right after I've applied this fix, I've
> started hearing not only much deeper and firmer bass, but also much
> higher and silkier high frequencies (better cymbals and bells). In
> addition, many more previously hidden musical details became all of a
> sudden present and nicely carved up in the space.
> For example, I am now, among many other new things, hearing the subtle
> air around the vocalists, and that contributes to the illusion of three
> dimensionality of the reproduced music.
> I'd say by all means, don't hesitate, rush to apply this mod (it's
> super easy, shouldn't take you more than 2-3 minutes). It is also
> easily reversible, so if you don't like the change (and I wouldn't be
> surprised if some people here find it too revealing), you're just one
> quick Linux command away from restoring everything to its former soft,
> wobbly state.
> Thanks Soundcheck, I'd say of all the mods you've given us thus far,
> this one made the biggest difference in the sound quality on my system!

Thx for the feedback. 
(I won't make any comments on your findings otherwise they'll lock me
up in the Audiophile Section of this forum :D ) 

My obviously highly developed skill of committing  "mass suggestion" 
worked on you again. 

Enjoy. ;)


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