slartibartfast;698140 Wrote: 
> I've just installed the latest version of the patch on my two Radios
> after updating to the new firmware and I can't adjust any of the
> automatic brightness settings. The screen just bumps. Is this a known
> problem or have I done something wrong?

Just to be clear, you've added my beta repository XML and installed the
patch from there?
Based on the discussion in this thread, I released the new version of
the patch, which also includes settings for the automatic brightness
control. I only own a Touch, so I can only test it on that device.
Nothing changed in the code for 7.7.2, so the patch for the Touch is
still working.

I put together a version for the Radio, which I thought could work. Not
sure, since I cannot test it. Could very well be that there is some
error in the code for the radio.

As for a fix:
- I could either restore the old version, which does only better
brightness control for the manual setting. Someone once reported that
to work on the Radio
- Or I need some help debugging the code on the Radio. I would be best
if someone with some developers skills could assist. I'm sure the code
is 99% complete, so it does not involve a lot of coding, only debugging
making small changes until it works.


My patch: 'Reduce brightness when screen saver is active'
( for Touch (and maybe Radio)
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