Veovis wrote: 
> Ok, tested 88,2 and 196. Both work fine with the V-Link 196 fed from the
> USB port of the Touch (the right indicators light up and no problems
> with sound). 24/196 did not work before letting the Touch decode the
> flac file though. It played much too slow when the server decoded the
> file.
> dBPoweramp would not let me convert to 176,4 but I'd guess that works
> too.
> No hub needed. It actually doesn't work well with a hub. Pops and
> clicks. I tested because I wanted to see if a powered hub would make it
> easier for the Touch to drive the V-link and thus perhaps sound better.

great, thanks for the answer. I have ordered one.

decoding flac on the server means the touch was receiving pcm which it
cannot handle above 96.

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