None of the usual backup methods are going to work properly for the
Touch as far as a COMPLETE full exactly as it normally is state. The
reason for this is that the Touch uses a union file system. In a union
filesystem there are multiple physical file systems that are combined at
run time to provide what you see. For the Touch it is setup with a read
only filesystem which contains the firmware from Logitech and a separate
physical filesystem which contain "changes", anything you modify
(directly or indirectly) goes in the "change" filesystem. What you see
is the union of these two filesystems (its actually more complicated,
but that's the easy to understand version). This actually is how the
factory restore works, it clears out the "changed" filesystem. 

So if you use normal backup procedures you will be making a copy of the
union filesystem, when you restore it, everything goes in the changed
filesystem, not back into the "official" read only filesystem. So lets
say you get corruption in the read only system, you restore your backup
into the changed filesystem (assuming there is enough space in this
filesystem!), everything now works, but if you do a factory reset you
blow away the "changed" filesystem and now you are back to pointing at
the corrupted read only filesystem!

Obviously there are ways to write to the read only filesystem, a
firmware change has to do that, but you have to go through special hoops
to actually get at the different filesystem and back each one up
separately, and on a restore put them back in the correct physical
filesystems. It certainly can be done, but a "normal" backup procedure
is NOT going to do that. 

John S.

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