Triode wrote: 
> Is it still doing this - can you capture any debugs - it should turn off
> the backlight when the screensaver kicks in.  Note you need to configure
> the screensaver to be "Display Off" not "Screen Off" which is what I
> think the default saver is called (which is hidden by the applet).  How
> long did you set the timeout to be?
> The code is at: /usr/share/jive/applets/DisplayOff/DisplayOffApplet.lua
> if you want to look at it, it should also produce some logging when it
> turns the display on and off.

Just got back. I'll check it out.

BTW. Why do you call your devices Audio (formerly TXRX or similar)
instead of default hw:0,0? If you pass asound.conf by there's no need to
introduce new aliases IMO.

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