
When I first got into all digital music playback it was with my Dell
1525 Windows PC with digital audio output into a Music Hall dac. It
sounded great but I noticed a lot of "digital" burps so I started
looking around for alternatives. Most of the players required a PC to
get the music from and I wanted to get the PC out of the picture. I
found the SBT with its' USB hard drive option and picked one up right
away. All my music is on the USB hard drive in WAV format and some FLAC.
It was perfect for me, good sound and no burps. I've noticed that the
burps were starting to come back so I went back to server software ver
7.5.3 and there were no more burps. After couple of weeks I again went
back to the latest version 7.2.2 I believe and noticed the burps again.
I'm thinking of going back 7.5.3 again. Has anyone else noticed this
with the 7.2.? version? 


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