ChipMonk wrote: 
> After each of these four stages I did a complete cache cleanup and
> overnight scan on my Tranquil BBS2 Atom WHS 2011 server. I have to
> report that, within experimental error, the scan times remained pretty
> much the same i.e. about six hours for a full scan, about 2 hours for a
> rescan for files changes. In parallel to this, at each stage, I used my
> newly updated music library backup on an old, energy profligate, desktop
> machine, (Win7 with LMS same version 7.7.2) to do faster scanning checks
> for errors etc. In this case, full scan was consistently about 2 hours
> re-scan 10 -15 mins throughout.
What are the hardware specs on the Tranquil and the old desktop? The
scan times are dramatically different, so if the old desktop doesn't
have equally dramatically better hardware then it would seem that you
may have configuration issues on your Tranquil, either with the
hardware, with WHS, or with LMS itself. You could look in the
performance section of LMS (Settings > Advanced > Performance) to see if
they are very different between the desktop and the Tranquil. As others
have mentioned, browsing music folders is largely a function of the OS
itself, rather than LMS.

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