castalla wrote: 
> Your Touch can be connected to either LMS (local) or -
> not both.  You have to select one or the other.
> Go to - login - then Favourites tab - add the stream
> url there.
> On Touch - Settings - Advanced - Networking - Switch to mysbcom
> Then go to Favourites on Touch - the url should be there.

many thanks for that.i should have mentioned that using the "old" R3 AAC
URL i get a message saying that this shoutcast feed is no longer
available but there is an alternative shoutcast feed.does anyone have
this "alternative shoutcast feed" URL?Funnily enough the "old" AAC URL
still works perfectly on a roberts colourstream i have!

btw,i've been following your posts(and others) on the bbc audio factory
blogs until they seem to have closed them down for good! in view of this
do you know where we are in respect of what works & what is or not
likely to work?will we ever see an updated triode bbc app?


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