krochat wrote: 
> You DO NOT want RAID. 

The correct wording is: you don't want RAID 0 or 1 (usually two drive
RAID systems). But you do want at least RAID 5 (at least three drives). 
RAID 5 (+) gives you two major pro's:
1. you'll have an easy way to increase your storage when needed (by
replacing / using bigger drives). The RAID system will automatically
take care of the expansion. And in the mean time you have access to your
files. This is not possible with a single drive solution. Copying large
files over to a new large drive takes a very long time. 
2. RAID 5 (or more) provides redundancy. If a drive fails between
backups then you don't loose any data (as opposed to single drive, none
RAID, systems). And the RAID system will warn you upfront of drive
failure. In this case you have the chance to replace the drive before it

My main RAID system is a ReadyNAS NVX running Raid 5 (currently three
drives fitted). It gets automatically back'd up every night to another
NAS. This setup has been running for many many years without a single
hiccup. I did increase the storage size once (up until now). RAID
systems have been around for ages and are rock solid. They are used by
all professional companies. It usually is human error if something fails
in computerland. Just don't forget to backup (whatever system you are
running !!).

'Cambridge Audio 851D-S'
( -> 'Focal MP1200'
( -> 'Focal Electra 1028 Be'
1 x SB Boom, 1 x SB Radio, 1 x SB Touch and 2 x RPI 2B
1 x SB3 and 1 x SB Touch in storage 
ReadyNAS NVX running LMS 7.9.0.
iPeng on iPhone, SqueezePad & iPeng on iPad.
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