1) Completely remove LMS
2) Install 7.7.5
3) Configure appropriately
4) Spotify appears as an app but the Triode one does not (the enable
tick won't take)
5) Revoke Access on spotify.com to "Spotify for Squeezebox"
6) Remove the Spotify account on mysqueezebox.com, re-add it and click
Enable Spotify Account
7) Check that "Spotify for Squeezbox" has reappeared in the Approved
Applications list on spotify.com
8) Restart the LMS service
9) Try to use Spotify within LMS and get....."We have updated the
Spotify App. To take advantage of these new and exciting features,
please go to www.mysqueezebox.com to enable your Spotify account."

And therein lies the problem. I have no idea what to do so that LMS
recognizes that Spotity for Squeezebox IS enabled.

anthonymarrian's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=66719
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107158

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