drmatt wrote: 
> Is it not that it's just connected directly to the internet via
> mysqueezebox.com, and therefore is not addressing your local LMS library
> at all?

I have downloaded squeezeplay, server, control panel again.In My
sqeezebox.com its found my SBT. However, its states NOT connected to

Also, on my Touch on "Server" info it states LMS: NOT CONNECTED. LIBARY
NAME: not connected.It does state Iam registered with
Mysqueezebox..(Hoorah!). The First Ping says Iam connected, but the
second ping says Not connected.

My web control looks a little different and no info can be found.Its
also not letting me into settings..Ive never had these probs before..

The good news is its not My new consumer switch box. and the connection
from TPLINK Is working.

PLAN B: just registered with AVG 30 Days free, maybe some firewall
blocking something, will delete it.
PLAN C: reset my router, turn eveything off and try again.
PLAN D : any ideas..?

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