Hello Michael

Great, isn't it. I finally had to upgrade to FW version 7.8.0 r16754
after connecting it to my LMS-Server (the latter left no choice). So
now, it is running again and both SBTs have the very same release. 

Furthermore, I did some comparative tests between the 2 SBTs in the
meantime and can now be a lot more precise now on 
- the "where" and 
- the "why" 
the endless loop may happen. Here are the bare facts:

On the problematic SBT we have:
- all Wlan signal information fields are blank in the menu
- trying to manually firing up Wlan on the terminal gives an error
  (i.e., # ifconfig wlan0 up => ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device)
- selecting the menu "Settings/Advanced/Networking/Choose Network"
  RESTARTS the endless loop "Verify Ethernet Connection" :mad:

This last fact comes *precisely to the point*.

On the "untouched" SBT we have:
- all Wlan signal information fields do have a value in the menu
- manually firing up Wlan on the terminal just works fine
- selecting the menu "Settings/Advanced/Networking/Choose Network"
  gives *FIRST* "Verify Ethernet Connection", *AND THEN* "Searching
  Networks" which then lists plenty of neighbor Wlan SSIDs to choose
  from... :cool:

- Where in the code? The last observation shows the problem appearing
  after the Ethernet checking (which is fine but this is not advertised
  as such and not exited on) immediately followed by a Wlan check (which
  seems to be defective here and this hangs that SBT).
- Why may it happen? Most probably the initial setup after a factory
  reset directly jumps to that code section (very same Message and
  sequence?), hanging my SBT.

Hope this could help for a code modification where some exit feature to
the home screen, either immediately after the first running network
interface is found or just on some manual event would be implemented.

Many thanks for your support :)

P.S. Any hint to check the Wlan circuitry? There seems to be no add-on
module in the SBT (IC/antenna directly soldered to the main board?)

Kind regards

mherger wrote: 
> > Meaning that the SBT is back, running (although with an quite older
> > release).
> Wow... that's quite a finding. Which means that the latest firmware 
> would not be able to set up a device from scratch?
> What would be interesting now is what happens if you update to the 
> latest firmware. Would it continue to work?...
> -- 
> Michael

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