Hello Michael

I have enclosed 2 versions of the /var/log/messages with the SD-Card
- the first: after power on and before choosing the language
- the second: after having chosen the language and after some time it
  remains endlessly saying "Verify Ethernet Connection"

You will also find the dmesg-output in the 3rd attachment.

Regarding the Wlan-connection, the only way to try it out is via
command-line (it is the only communication I have to this device; no
Home-Screen just the ever-running hourglass...) but I didn't find any
wlanX-device to "ifconfig up" and to "iwlist" and configure it
thereafter... Surprisingly, I haven't seen anything except the
ieee802.11 stack in the dmesg-output. Did I miss something? So for the
moment, I'm stuck to the wire.

P.S. I never used the Wlan with this SBT.

Kind regards

mherger wrote: 
> > Many thanks for your instructions. Formerly, I just transferred the
> > messages logfile with the SD-card (did a clean shutdown before
> removal).
> > Now I could set up the SSH connection with your instructions below
> (BTW.
> > you have to add the parameters "-o
> > KexAlgorithms=+diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -c aes256-cbc" in either
> the
> > ssh- or scp- command lines on Linux) and it gets more comfortable...
> Ah, right. I've got that in my ~/.ssh/config file... always forget about
> it.
> > |Filename: messages-20200526-1910.txt
> I compared this to a fresh file from one of my own Touchs. The biggest 
> difference indeed is what you posted before, some failure around 
> "halfDuplexBugVerification" - whatever that is...
> But as this is related to Ethernet, could you please try to use wlan 
> instead? And I'd recomment you remove the SD card and only insert it 
> when you want to transfer something. It's firing up slimserver, which 
> slows down things a lot, and introduces more noise to the log file.
> -- 
> Michael

|Filename: messages-20200526-0921BeforeLanguageSelection.log        |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=30439|

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