fletch wrote: 
> When it rains it pours: Based on some of the comments in this thread I
> was originally looking at several amps that were unavailable at the
> time. Well as of tonight they are now available to order but to be
> shipped in June. What I want to do is move my existing amp to my office
> to be used with a duet for now..maybe a homebrew later.  The 2 I am
> looking at are the LOXJIE A30, which i have already read up on and
> pretty sure I would be happy with it based on the reviews.
> The other on is the YAMAHA R-N303BL. Does anyone have any experience
> with this model?  Both have digital inputs and subwoofer out which is
> what I want.  The no name I have now is plenty loud enough for us but It
> doesn't have a subwoofer out.
> Thanks.

Went with the Yamaha (for now) Most reviews were very good for the
Yamaha, but one fault mentioned more than once is that it is missing sub
out, though there is a work around for that. It has AM/FM which is
something else I wanted. It also has what appears to be a dumbed down
version of LMS built in.  First Sonos, now Yamaha -Logitech should
consider bringing back LMS!

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