Zoltan wrote: 
> Can anyone recommend a source for a decent replacement PSU for a Touch
> that I can easily order from UK? By decent I don't mean one of these
> "audiophile" ones that cost hundreds, just something that is the correct
> type and good quality.
> The reason I need one is that I have been experiencing a lack of
> responsiveness from my SBT whichever Squeeze device remote control I
> tried. I found a thread the other day (can't find it now) which started
> off with various people solving this by replacing the IR module but
> ended with quite a few people saying that a new PSU fixed it. I have
> confirmed this is the case for me by borrowing the PSU from my unused
> spare SBT but, rather than continue to use this, I'd prefer to buy a
> replacement for the failed one.

Maybe more than you want to spend but many have success with this one.

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