Shivaji wrote: 
> Greetings Men,
> I am hoping some here can help with getting me reacquainted with my new
> used purchase.  
> After 4 years being without a Touch, just got one off of Ebay today. 
> Paid $93 bucks for it. 
> Did a reset, plugged an ethernet cable into it, logged back into
> Squeezebox home and all my apps were still there, clicked Pandora and it
> immediately started playing. Excellent! 
> Installed the Tidal app and logged in through it to Tidal and
> everything is there. It seems it is having a hard time connecting to
> Tidal.  So far, the Tidal app does not play. it is showing a failed to
> play stream and stopped at the top of the image. 
> As well, should I install EDO as I did before, or is there something
> akin to it or better? Or has it become buggy?
> Looking for a remote app for the iPhone. The pickings seemed slim on the
> App gallery when typing in Squeezebox and or Touch. What is the best
> phone app to install?
> Checking software updates, the display shows one is available with
> Begin update:  7.7.3. Yes, No?  It seems old to me. 
> These seem to be the main points of interest. 
> On another note, for those who enjoy cruising Audio Science Review as I
> do, I emailed Amir and asked if he wanted to test out the Touch. He was
> fairly enthusiastic about it and I will send it to him after I play with
> it awhile.
> Looking forward to any and all replies.
> Regards

Wow! That was a great price.

What version of LMS are you running? The are new community built
firmwares available for the Controller, Radio and Touch but these may
only be available via the beta LMSs.

I’ve never felt the desire to instal Triode’s EDO applet but if you want
to enable digital over USB it’s probably worth doing. I do not believe
that there’s any sonic advantages in ever increasing sample rates as all
it does is extend the frequency response even further beyond what us
humans can hear!

It will be interesting to see what Amir has to say about the Touch. I
suspect that his findings will be near identical to Archimago’s though:


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