Annie Body wrote: 
> I know the Squeezebox Touch is getting dated, but it still works!
> I am now using it with a Cambridge Audio 851N pre-amp / streamer and
> have noticed the sound level is not as loud as my previous Rotel
> amplifier(s).
> On further testing I noticed the output voltage is only about 900mV rms
> when the spec. states it should be about 2000mV (2V) rms.
> I have tried various methods: Enhanced USB; SPDIF; TOSLink and all only
> give me 900mV rms output from the analog output, and headphone output so
> this is the maximum level the 851N pre-amp is providing power amp.
> This signal gives me about 10W instead of the 200W I expect from the
> power amp.
> I know the Rotels all gave me a loud sound, so loud you couldn't turn
> them above 70%, but the signal level now enables me to turn the system
> to maximum with insufficient volume.
> If I stream from my PC to the 851N then I get full volume, not wanting
> more than 70% again.
> The signal I am using for all tests is a test track 0db, 1kHz.
> I recently updated the Squeezebox firmware as well as the LMS so believe
> there may be a problem with these updates.
> Once again, contacting Logitech has proven pointless.
> I have managed to get Logitech Media Server 7.7.6 installed after
> removing 8.2.0 but cannot find any previous versions of the Squeezebox
> firmware to test.
> I know this may not work well, but I really just want to see if its
> firmware/software or hardware problem that is causing the level problem.
> If its hardware, then a Pi project is on the cards. 
> Does anyone know of a link to previous firmware I can download, if so
> then how can I install it locally. USB perhaps?
> Regards and thanksHave you checked that the volume is set to 100%?

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