garym wrote: 
> The embedded server of a touch was an after thought because the
> developers realized it "might" work.  Causes lots of headaches and never
> works quite good enough.  And now, with rPi units that can serve as
> small, low power draw, full power LMS servers (running, eg.,
> piCorePlayer), there is really no reason to even play with the embedded
> server.

we discourage using tiny LMS it a touch, but it does work, albeit
limited and unstable. I set one up for a non technical friend thinking
this would be the perfect solution for him (his library on a USB stick,
a few radio stations). It did work, but crashed so many times and there
were all sorts of stations he wanted to, but could not play. He ended up
having "feature creep" He originally wanted a few radio stations and a
small library un USB, but then "can it do this"? "No", "can it do this?"
"No"...I ended up getting him a rpi 3b+ and installed picoreplayer.

One of the things to remember about tiny LMS is some time after the
touch was released, it was no longer developed or supported, and in the
mean time, real LMS blossomed into what it is today.

Also, yes, there is, but it also is no longer developed, and as
a result, for example, you cannot stream https, only http streams, just
like tiny LMS

So Chris, give it a try, why not? If anything it will make you
appreciate LMS more ;)

Glad your pesky message is gone...


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