On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 9:06 AM Rob Landley <r...@landley.net> wrote:
> On 5/13/20 5:26 PM, Patrick Oppenlander wrote:
> > That works for:
> >
> > % make root LINUX=../linux
> >
> > I alread have a bunch of cross compilers installed & in my path:
> >
> > % ls -1 /opt/cross
> > aarch64-linux-musleabi
> > armv7m-linux-musleabi
> > armv7m-linux-musleabihf
> > arm-cdd-linux-musleabi
> > arm-linux-musleabi
> > arm-none-eabi
> > arm_cortex_m0-eabi-newlib
> > m32c-elf
> > m68k-elf
> > powerpc-eabispe
> > x86_64-linux-musl
> >
> > So I tried
> >
> > % make root CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-musleabi- LINUX=../linux
> >
> > Which fails with "Unknown $TARGET"
> It's taking everything before the first dash and feeding it into a big if/else
> staircase. In theory arrcchh6644 should work, and m68k and x86_64. but "arm" 
> it
> doesn't known armv5l vs armv7l (different kernel configs)...

Neat. I tried:

% make root CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-musleabi- LINUX=../linux

which worked perfectly.

> > OK, maybe
> >
> > % make root TARGET=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-musleabi- LINUX=../linux
> >
> > That fails with "cp: bad 'toybox': No such file or directory"
> I suspect there was at least one error message before that, which you didn't 
> copy?

Sorry, perhaps I overlooked something. Here's the full output:

% make root TARGET=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-musleabi- LINUX=../linux
scripts/mkroot.sh  -- LINUX=../linux CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-musleabi-
Building for arm

=== airlock
cc -o kconfig/conf kconfig/conf.c kconfig/zconf.tab.c -DKBUILD_NO_NLS=1 \
kconfig/conf -D /dev/null Config.in > /dev/null
Generate headers from toys/*/*.c...
generated/newtoys.h Library probe...........
Make generated/config.h from /home/patrick/src/ext/toybox/root/.airlock.
generated/flags.h generated/globals.h generated/tags.h generated/help.h
scripts/install.sh --symlink --force --airlock
Compile instlist...
Generate headers from toys/*/*.c...
Library probe...........
Make generated/config.h from /home/patrick/src/ext/toybox/root/.airlock.
Install commands...
cp: cannot stat 'toybox': No such file or directory
make: *** [Makefile:49: install_airlock] Error 1
make: *** [Makefile:80: root] Error 1
make root TARGET=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-musleabi- LINUX=../linux
21.18s user 3.64s system 552% cpu 4.491 total

> > Maybe I should read the script.. OK, looks like TARGET should be
> > armv7l in this case
> >
> > % make root TARGET=armv7l CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-musleabi- LINUX=../linux
> >
> > Nope, same problem.
> >
> > OK I think what's happening is that the TARGET variable is leaking
> > into make.sh which then generates toybox-$TARGET which mkroot.sh
> > doesn't expect?
> I've never set it on the mkroot command line before, so it's always been a 
> local
> and never exported from mkroot into child processes. I can add an explicit
> "unexport", or I could rip the suffix plumbing out of make.sh.

Is there some other usecase for the suffix plubing in make.sh?

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