> On Jun 4, 10:23 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Ok, I have played with trac a bit, and some other supporting tools and
>> plugins, etc.  I managed to get my hands on a server to "properly"
>> host it on for our use internally.  The upper IT folks just refuse to
>> give us an outward facing server.  So all of our outsources, will get
>> vpn, or onsite access only, bummer, but a small step in the right
>> direction.
>> That said, the server we are getting is running windows.  I have seen/
>> browsed the "on windows" wikis out there, and all seems good.  here is
>> what I "hope" to run, and really just need to know if there are any
>> "gotchas" I need to know about ahead of time.  I also will have admin
>> rights on the box, but am not an IT admin anymore, so my windows
>> server knowledge is, well, lame nowadays.
>> anyway:
>> * assumption: running Apache on windows.
>> Trac
>> Subversion
>> probably php and all that jazz, although, at this moment, I have no
>> need for it.
>> the following plugins I am hoping to go with:
>> TimingAndEstimation
>> TracIniAdmin
>> TracAccountManager
>> TracUserManagerPlugin
>> XMLRPC plugin
>> MasterTicketsPlugin
>> and probably the black magic one.
>> Will have custom workflow, and probably have a handler hook as I want
>> to do some stuff behind the scenes on one of the transitions of the
>> workflow.
>> Ok, I am sure there are other I might want, or "NEED" but I KNOW I
>> would like those.  That said I also "want" to do the following:
>> Multi-project setup  1-4 active most likely, and eventually those
>> become a  maintenance stage, so still around.
>> I also "think" I would want to use windows authentication somehow (is
>> that ldap?) access to the subversion and trac environments.  simply
>> because outsources will be internal to the network, and may never
>> actually access trac directly.  I envision a eclipse/mylan interface
>> very possible to the subversion/trac data.  I also see direct
>> subversion access via subversion clients (TortiseSVN, svn command
>> line, etc.) which may never actually utilize the trac DB).  I have no
>> issue with requiring a second login to trac(via the nice web interface
>> in one of the above plugins, I forget which one), just not sure if it
>> is needed.  If there are other tools/plugins you think will make this
>> objective go more smoothly, great, I can use that too, please let me
>> know.  Things like TracMetrix etc. I might want to use, etc.
>> Basically, I need to manage multiple projects, which are managed by
>> multiple people, who manage multiple sources/levels of access. :D  All
>> on bleeping windows servers....with no external facing web access....
>> I think it's just the run of the mill TracOnWindows/Advanced path, but
>> was  looking for insight.
>> oh, yes, I personally prefer python 2.5, but seems like Apache needs
>> 2.4, is that correct?  Anyone tried the windows bitNami installer?
>> that would work too.  etc.
>> I will try to really document well as I go, a future version of this
>> email from others is not needed in the mailing list.
>> Thanks.
> I also forgot.  Some devs need access to multiple project environments
> (subversion and trac) and some need to be restricted/redirected to the
> project they know about.  We don't want some sources to even know
> about the others.  I have no issue added each individual 1 by to to
> each project that is appropriate, but I would like to grant access to
> the "project list" or top-level to individuals with multi-project
> access so they may navigate from a top level if they so choose.
> "ideally" it would only show the projects they actually have access
> to, but practically will not be needed for my purposes.  They will
> either be able to see only 1 project, or them all.  While they may not
> have rights to do anything in them all (read only, for example), that
> is easily managed at the per project level.  See now, I just made it
> more complicated, and just out of my grasp for implementing without a
> little hand holding....

We have worked out a secure solution with OForge[1].  We have two layers 
of authorization.  The first is site wide and the second is per project. 
  We do not yet have a way to redirect single project users to their 
projects, which is a problem.  If they don't have the URL right, they 
get an auth error.  Our needs are close to yours, our single projects 
clients shouldn't even know other projects exist.

[1] http://code.optaros.com/trac/oforge

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