On Sun, Mar 29, 2009 at 12:18:30PM -0700, rupert.thurner wrote:
> On Mar 29, 6:24 pm, Jeff Hammel <jham...@openplans.org> wrote:
> > The idea occured to me to setup a trac with bounties for plugin and other 
> > development work similar to RequestAHacks on trac-hacks but for paid work.  
> > While I'd love to do this...probably not right now as I don't have much 
> > free development time (although I could be persuaded).
> >
> > I for one would be interested in paid plugin development, depending on what 
> > the plugin would do and if it matches my skill-set.  While I don't have 
> > much free time, Trac plugins are often pretty quick.  Please feel free to 
> > email me with any plugin needs you might have.  I'll say in passing that I 
> > don't have any interest in interfacing with proprietary software and that I 
> > only have linux machines at my disposal for development and testing.
> >
> > Maybe its worth setting up a list for people who are interested in seeking 
> > or doing paid development work, at least in the interim?
> it would be great to discuss it on this list, even the requirements,
> to create synergies.
> rupert.

Just to throw out some things that have been going around in my head:

 * auction style bidding and back-room discussions should be discouraged so 
that interested developers don't have any incentive not to Play Nice

 * a potential client should post the desired hack (or a roadmap, if there is 
more than one phase) with a time-frame and the amount they are willing to pay.  
Both of these can be negotiable, but some ranges would be nice so that the 
desired hacks could be easily searched

 * once a client approves a developer for work on a project, the plugin is no 
longer open for others to work on (common sense, I know, just feel the need to 
say it)

 * is the resulting work open source?  I would heartily say "yes", but I know 
there are different opinions on the matter.  As far as I'm concerned, the 
client is paying for a solution to a problem, not for the software license.  If 
it is useful to others, it should be publically available for the good of the 
Trac community

 * the spec should be as precise as possible, though obviously several passes 
at discussion will probably usually be necessary to refine what exactly are the 

 * needless to say, any sort of infrastructure is a means of connecting client 
and developer and it is up to THEM (not to this list, not to as-yet-nonexistant 
web site, etc) to ensure the contract is fulfilled.  In other words, no real 
legal protections are given, though of course if someone faults another person 
then the victim will probably want to note this in public forum.

 * is post-install support required? can clients pay for installation/setup 
work?  How many bugs and support hours are asked per hack?  What quality 
assurance is required?  

That's all I have off the top of my head.  Assuming I have 6-10 hours free a 
week for development, I could do a decently complex plugin per week at least, 
just as a typical ballpark figure.  My only real concern is coordination.  
Because Trac has a pretty good component architecture, this unfortunately gives 
rise to doing fairly substantial things as plugins, which is good in that it 
makes Trac really customizable, and bad that it gives rise to a plethora of 
duplicate functionality and results in poor coordination, and I think it is 
important that Trac core get some strong development as well as distilling the 
set of plugins down to as little duplicated functionality as possible and as 
much extensibility as possible.  But its an orthogonal issue.

I'd love to hear what thoughts others have had on this idea.


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