so I resolved it by compiling the tag 0.5.1 from source and then installing the 
created egg using easy_install
So the precompiled version did not work.
also failed trying to do 
easy_install http://svn.edgewall.org/repos/genshi/tags/0.5.1 did not work as it 
had some html docs in it... (:=

So, it now works, but a bit unclear on how one does it (:=

Anyhow, thanx for a superb product (that was to the trac team... =:)


-----Original Message-----
From: ivar [mailto:ivarkl...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 4:00 PM
To: Trac Users
Subject: How to upgrade an existing 0.11 to use Genshi 0.5.1?

I currently have trac 0.11 and wanted to install Agilo on it.
However it requires Genshi 0.5.1 and I have 0.5 .....
So I downloaded 0.5.1 and all looked fine, even ran trac-admin upgrade
on the project
restarted apache

It only ended in an internal server error message.
So must be something wrong.
I then used easy_install again to revert back to the previous 0.5 and
all works fine (except for the test project that i used the upgrade
command on.....).

Is there anybody that can give me clear instructions on what I have to
do in this situation?
How do I upgrade to Genshi 0.5.1 from 0.5 without breaking the
existing installation?

Thanx for any pointers (:=

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