We use postgresql for 2 internal tracs on 0.12, one is pretty large
  (6,000 tickets; at least 50 ticket updates per workday and hundreds of
  wiki pages). The only issues we've had have been occasional plugins
  that have like one or two lines of SQL that's invalid for Postgresql.
  We also had one semi-frustrating error message that's since been
  fixed, http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/9400. Otherwise it's been a
  very satisfying experience.

I have a bunch of trac instances running with pgsql, one with 4300
tickets, 100 users and 32K svn changesets.  It has basically worked
fine, with two kinds of minor hiccups in plugins:

  lack of begin/end (for transactions) interaction with autocommit

  sloppy use of types in sql

both were easy to resolve and most plugins seem ok with pgsql now.

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