On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 4:42 AM, quasiroot <quasir...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have installed Trac 1.0.1 on an EC2 instance, enabled HTTP Basic
> authentication for the entire Trac installation, installed the Trac XML_RPC
> plugin, and granted XML_RPC privileges to “user”.
> When I access https://<hostname>/Project/ I am prompted for user name
> (“user”)/password and can log in. Same for https://<hostname>/Project/xmlrpc
> .
> However, when I access https://<hostname>/Project/login/xmlrpc the same
> prompt appears over and over again, and hence I cannot get a proper
> response. Ultimately I want to access Trac from an Eclipse Mylyn client.
> Currently this client reports "Unable to authenticate with repository.
> Login credentials invalid" when I direct it to https://<hostname>/Project
> with Access Type "XML-RPC".
> My httpd.conf includes "LoadModule wsgi_module modules/mod_wsgi.so". I
> have attempted adding "WSGIPassAuthorization On" but this made no
> difference. I have left all other configuration files at their defaults
> (for Bitnami Trac stack).
> What else can I try?
Bitnami provides AccountManagerPlugin, so the issue is most likely as
described here:

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