On Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 12:37:05 AM UTC-7, Robert Grubba wrote:
> after rebuilding my trac docker image i have an after opening trac panel:

Make sure to restart your web server after installing the plugin. I checked 
again and the template is included in the distributable and is loaded 
correctly in my environment.

Please enable logging and check the log file.

> TemplateNotFound: Template "google_analytics_admin.html" not found
> User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 
> (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36
> PackageWersja
> Trac 1.2.2
> Babel 2.5.3
> Genshi 0.7 (with speedups)
> MySQL server: "5.5.5-10.0.32-MariaDB-0+deb8u1", client: "5.5.59", 
> thread-safe: 1
> MySQLdb 1.2.5
> Python 2.7.9 (default, Jun 29 2016, 13:08:31) [GCC 4.9.2]
> pytz 2018.4
> setuptools 39.0.1
> jQuery 1.11.3
> jQuery UI 1.11.4
> jQuery Timepicker 1.5.5
> Zainstalowane rozszerzenia
> NazwaWersjaLokalizacja
> MathCaptcha N/D /trac/leonardo/plugins/MathCaptcha.pyc
> TracGoogleAnalytics <http://google.ufsoft.org/> 0.3.0.dev0 
> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages 
> <http://trac.pgxc.pl/admin/google/analytics#frame0>
The path for TracGoogleAnalytics looks odd. It should be the full path to 
the egg or wheel, like 

What are your steps to install the plugin? Can you show the output from 
creating and installing the package?

- Ryan


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