> ----Original Message-----
> From: trac-users@googlegroups.com On Behalf Of Clemens Feige
> Sent: 17 March 2021 07:36
> Subject: Re: [Trac] Re: Unwanted Trac Notifications
> > Patty Cottrill wrote on 16.03.2021 at 22:55:
> > Apparently, I spoke too soon.
> > 
> > Changing the email sender from SmtpEmailSender to SendmailEmailSender 
> > did NOT resolve the problem.
> > 
> > I continue to get these notifications.
> > 
> > Yes, I have checked the email headers and my email address IS NOT in the 
> > headers.
> > 
> > I'm totally stumped by this problem.
> > 
> > I now have a case open with our Exchange online support to see if they 
> > can figure out what is happening.
> > 
> > Per the mail log on the Trac server, the message is leaving without my 
> > email address, but the message trace on Exchange shows my email address 
> > on the message, even though it is not in the message headers.
> > 
> > Thanks for the feedback.
> > 
> > -- Patty
> Hello Patty
> As an idea to isolate the problem, have you tried to manually send test 
> e-mails (without TRAC) to the same mail server?
> You would use any other e-mail client (preferably on the same machine 
> where TRAC is running) and send test e-mails with same sender address, 
> same recipient address, same port number, same credentials, same mail 
> server etc. like TRAC.
> If this experiment should trigger unwanted e-mail copies then it would 
> prove that this is not an issue with TRAC.
> Clemens

Hi Patty,

I have only skimmed the threads so sorry if you have already discounted these 
but I had a few thoughts:

- we had a similar issue a while back we traced to the trac.ini email settings 
e.g. `smtp_always_bcc`

- I wonder if your address is being used as the "from" address and therefore 
the emails are appearing in your outbox?

- perhaps you are the default address on your email server and one of the other 
addresses is invalid?


~ Mark C

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