I'm getting closer to sending the patches.

FWIW, here's a list of plugins for which I have updates:

   - ccselectorplugin
   - childticketsplugin (very minor change to templates to remove unused 
   table heading)
   - emoticonsplugin
   - exportimportxlsplugin
   - projectmenuplugin
   - timingandestimationplugin
   - tracdragdropplugin
   - trachtmlnotificationplugin
   - traciniadminpanelplugin
   - wikicalendarmacro
   - wikiextrasplugin

I also noticed setup.py for tagsplugin doesn't start with a python header 
(e.g. #!/usr/bin/env python), which is very minor.  I started working on 
porting "moviemacro" but I have seldom used it and not sure it's really 
usable anyway.

The other plugin I alluded to is "ticketvalidation" which I have used for a 
long time.  At one time I got a recommendation to use dynamicfieldsplugin, 
but that plugin doesn't handle a case for the ticket status that I have 
been using.  (We require a custom "root cause" field to be filled in when 
we send a ticket to a custom "reviewing" state when the ticket is a defect.)

I also have some comments and possible changes for tracwysiwygplugin, but 
there has been work on that recently, and I need to rethink it a little 
bit.  The mods I have been using are only minor/cosmetic and relate to the 

- Dan

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