On Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 5:56 AM 'Patty Cottrill' via Trac Users
<trac-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> I recently configured password recovery.
> It is working fine, except that the email containing the temporary password 
> is not only being sent to the user, but it also includes the recipients 
> configured in the always_cc setting under notifications in trac.ini.
> Because of the security nature of the email, I never thought the password 
> reset email would include the cc recipients.
> Is there anyway to prevent the password reset email from including the 
> always_cc recipients?
> Below is our environment:
> Trac  1.2.3
> Genshi 0.7 (with speedups)
> mod_python 3.3.1
> Pygments 2.1
> pysqlite 2.7.0
> Python 2.7.12
> setuptools 20.7.0
> SQLite 3.11.0
> jQuery 1.11.3
> jQuery UI 1.11.4
> jQuery Timepicker 1.5.5
> Apache2 2.4.18
> Best,
> Patty Cottrill

It seems that the issue has been reported at
https://trac-hacks.org/ticket/13312 and fixed. Please try the latest
of https://trac-hacks.org/svn/accountmanagerplugin/trunk .

trac-hacks.org server shows currently "503 Service Unavailable"
however the page could be confirmed via Google web cache,

Jun Omae <jun6...@gmail.com> (大前 潤)

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