"Kirill A. Korinsky" <kir...@korins.ky> writes:

Hi Kirill,

>>> Meanwhile I was able to localise the issue: permission to /tmp on server 
>>> side.
>>> As soon as I fixed it and my user may write into it, everything works fine.
>> Good to know there's no bug. Thanks for letting us know.
> I really think that error message should be a bit more different that this 
> one.
> It was quite tricky to ping point the issue.

The error message came from somewhere else, it was a follow-up error. So
it couldn't speak about the real problem.

But I don't understand yet how this could happen. Tramp has the function
tramp-handle-temporary-file-directory, which returns a proper remote
temporary directory, or nil if there isn't. And this includes the
file-writable-p check. Hmm.

I'll dig further. First, I need a simple recipe for error reproduction.

> wbr, Kirill

Best regards, Michael.

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