-0 for adoption.

I'm ambivalent about seeing redaction supported in CT.  I've worked on
redaction in the past only because I wanted to see CT succeed and
redaction seemed like a necessary prerequisite (to having browsers
require CT for all TLS certs).

Given that Chrome now requires CT - with redaction not permitted - for
all Symantec TLS certs, ISTM that redaction is not a necessary
prerequisite after all.  Therefore, my interest has waned.

If the WG adopts, we *really* needs folks who have a strong interest in
seeing redaction supported in CT to drive further work on this draft.

On 09/09/16 21:24, Melinda Shore wrote:
> Hi, all:
> As you may have noticed, text related to name redaction
> has been excised from 6962-bis.  Because there's interest
> in support for redaction that text has been spun off into
> a separate document (draft-strad-trans-redaction-00,
> "Certificate Transparency: Domain Label Redaction"), and
> this is a call for adoption of that draft as a working group
> deliverable, for publication as (tentatively) an experimental
> RFC.  If you've read the document, please let us know whether
> or not you feel it's suitable for adoption, and if it's
> a topic on which you've got particular interest, please
> be prepared to contribute text :-).
> The call for adoption closes in two weeks, at 23:59 UTC on
> 23 September 2016.
> Thanks,
> Melinda & Paul

Rob Stradling
Senior Research & Development Scientist
COMODO - Creating Trust Online

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