Hi all,

I've been searching the docs and this group for a few hours now.  I
can't figure out what's wrong.  I'm getting the old "The requested
object could not be found" error.  Here is my transfer.xml.

<transfer xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="/opt/www/frameworks/transfer/
resources/xsd/transfer.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/


                <package name="Member">
                        <object name="member" table="member">
                                <id name="member_id" type="UUID" 
generate="true" />
                                <property name="last_name" type="string" />
                                <property name="first_name" type="string" />
                                <property name="email_address" type="string" />
                                <property name="password" type="string" />
                                <property name="address" type="string" />
                                <property name="city" type="string" />
                                <property name="state" type="string" />
                                <property name="zipcode" type="string" />
                                <property name="home_phone" type="string" />
                                <property name="work_phone" type="string" />
                                <property name="cell_phone" type="string" />
                                <property name="notes" type="string" />

                <package name="Post">
                        <object name="post" table="post">
                                <id name="post_id" type="UUID" generate="true" 
                                <property name="post_date" type="date" />
                                <property name="post_title" type="string" />
                                <property name="post_body" type="string" />
                                <property name="post_author_id" type="string" />



I can use the Member.member package.object with not problems.
However, when I try to work with the Post.post object, it fails.  Here
is my cfml code:

<cfset qMembers = application.transferObj.list('Post.post') />

The error thrown is:

The requested object could not be found in the config file

Could not find 'Post.post' in '/opt/www/htdocs/projects/mensclub/

The error occurred in /opt/www/frameworks/transfer/com/object/
ObjectDAO.cfc: line 611

One last note:  'post.post_author_id' will be a foreign key to
member.member_id.  I haven't added the onetomany relationship because
I can't get the basic object working.

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