Hi Matt!

Thanks for the response...

On Sep 3, 3:07 am, Matt Quackenbush <quackfu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you post the relevant transfer.xml configs?  I could be mistaken, but I
> think the issue is that you have an o2m on one side and an m2o on the
> other.  AFAIK, that will not do the trick.

Why not? what is the problem, and how can I solve it? Here is the
relevant section of my transfer.xml:

<package name="dc">
<object name="Person" table="Persons">
  <id name="PersonId" type="string" generate="false"
column="PERSON_ID" />
  <property name="Name" type="string" nullable="false"
column="FIRST_NAME" />
  <onetomany name="PersonOrg" lazy="true">
    <link to="dc.PersOrg" column="PERSON_ID" />
    <collection type="array">
  <onetomany name="PersonProj" lazy="true">
    <link to="dc.PersonProj" column="PERSON_ID" />
    <collection type="array">
... Org and Project definitions are similar to Person's.
<object name="PersonOrg" table="PersonOrg">
  <id name="PersOrgId" type="string" generate="false"
column="PERS_ORG_ID" />
  <property name="Role" type="string" nullable="true" column="ROLE" />
  <manytoone name="Person" lazy="true">
    <link column="PERSON_ID" to="dc.Person" />
  <manytoone name="Org" lazy="true">
    <link column="ORG_ID" to="dc.Org" />

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