Howdee :-)  You're welcome.

OK, so that is exactly what I thought you were doing.  The reason that will
not work is because the o2m generates methods on *both* objects in the
relationship, and therefore generates the ID (PK/FK) in the SQL twice.
Instead, create an m2o on *both* objects (instead of just the PersonOrg
object).  Then you can use a decorator to add in whatever functionality you
need to get at the other object (e.g. to replace the methods that would be
generated by an o2m but will not be generated by the m2o).

So, something like this...

<object name="Person" table="Persons">
 <id name="PersonId" type="string" generate="false"
column="PERSON_ID" />
 <property name="Name" type="string" nullable="false"
column="FIRST_NAME" />
 <manytoone name="PersonOrg" lazy="true">
   <link to="dc.PersOrg" column="PERSON_ID" />
 <manytoone name="PersonProj" lazy="true">
   <link to="dc.PersonProj" column="PERSON_ID" />

(The above was copied and pasted in a hurry, so it very well may have typos
in it.  Please double check it before ya use it.  Heh.)


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