Ok, that makes sense. So now I have this:

<cfset query=rc.transfer.createQuery("select CMS.page.text from
CMS.page join menu.menu on CMS.page.id=menu.menu.FK_page where

and I get

Error Type:  Database : n/a
Error Messages: Invalid data

[queryData] is the result of the query - html.

The stack trace 's last line is line 82 of D:\www\wwwroot\SimpleCMS
\transfer\com\sql\QueryExecution.cfc. So there the error got thrown.
So the query is execurted succesfully, but an error occurs (in line 82
in QueryExecution.cfc). Somehow the query's output is mixed with the
error message.
I don't use a float type in either of the two tables involved in the
query, so I don't know what is meant by that.

What could be the problem here?


On Mar 8, 11:18 pm, Mark Mandel <mark.man...@gmail.com> wrote:
> <cfset query=rc.transfer.createQuery(
> "select text from pages join
> menus on pages.id=menus.FK_page where menus.id=:menuId")>
> Should be:
> <cfset query=rc.transfer.createQuery(
> "select *pages.*text from pages join
> menus on pages.id=menus.FK_page where menus.id=:menuId")>
> You need to qualify the object that the property is coming from.
> Mark

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