or., 2009.eko aberen 18a 12:51(e)an, Leandro Regueiro(e)k idatzi zuen:
>>> I don't like the hiding of options unless it is based on user
>>> preferences, since some users may want to see all the relevant
>>> information, and others may consider useless things like suggestions
>>> made by other translators. And when some option is hidden, in certain
>>> moments the translator may want to see the option.
>> There's no magical hiding of elements.
>> If the *user* hasn't selected any alternative source languages, or there are
>> no user suggestions (or terminology suggestions), simply the remaining space
>> is reused.
>> Are you perhaps suggesting a way to show/hide the information while
>> translating and setting the defaults on a user-basis?
> I am thinking on saving hiding defaults per user on its profile. The
> user can modify the settings to show or hide some options in the
> interface. But the user have ALWAYS the chance to show hidden options
> on the interface (for example in
> http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/5562/tpagenofull.jpg clicking on "2
> suggestions" will show the suggestions).

Customising the default view for users based on their choice can be a 
good idea.

Anyway, I think you're misunderstanding the screenshot, as the "2 
suggestions" you point out is referring to the previous unit (#10).
All the information that is available for the current unit (#11) is 
displayed -- it doesn't have suggestions so nothing is displayed.

Apart from that, clicking on "2 suggestions" currently shows the 
suggestions for that unit as you would expect.

Thanks for your comments.

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