I don't know, but it seems just what it says:

The compressed linux kernel file has CRC checksums to verify it isn't
corrupt and has been loaded properly into memory.

The Linux loader (loadlin.exe) loads the file into memory and executes a
portion of the kernel code to uncompress itself. A failed checksum says
this couldn't be done.
The reason ? ... Only you know your system.

Antonio Garcia.

Brad Nabholz wrote:
> This really isn't a *problem*, but I'd like some insight into what might be
> causing the problem.  I'm using TrinuxHD 0.49, and loadlin.exe loads the
> kernel into memory allright, but when it says:
> Uncompressing Linux...
> it abruptly stops and says:
> CRC error
> -- System Halted
> Doing a reboot doesn't help any, but actually powering down fixes the
> problem. I'm not really as intrested in fixing the problem as I am figuring
> out what the problem could be. I hope this is not a repeated question, and
> *any* help would be appreciated. This problem doesn't happen all the time,
> usually only when I've been using the machine for a long period of time.
> Possible RAM bug?
> Brad Nabholz
> P.S. I'm not using initrd.gz, I've dd'ed it to hda3. I don't think this has
> anything to do with it, but I'm not totally sure.

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